Ostatní dokumentace - veřejná

Procurement procedure: Dodávka mobilních kamer a poskytování souvisejících služeb

Document information

Title: Explanation of the tender documentation No. 4
Document published on Profile: 05.05.2020 21:15:15

Actual file version

File name: Dokument PDF A48-explanation_td_04.pdf
Size: 197.46 KB
Actual file version: 05.05.2020 21:15:15
MD5 hash: d9e51d182b7004bbf5d7b828c05eb41f
SHA256 hash: 0fcd04c6b33611a68aa6d3fbb510124843f2d5ce94d5f914abc94923a955e7d8

File history

Date Title Description Document type File name Size
V 05.05.2020 21:15:15 Explanation of the tender documentation No. 4 other documents - public - A48-explanation_td_0 4.pdf 197.46 KB